Monday, October 30, 2006

Time for a Cool Change.....

Music plays an important part in my always has and it always will. While I love country music now, I also remember a lot of the music I listened to in the 1970s. YIKES...guess that dates me, but....oh well....

One of my favorite groups from that time in college was Little River Band. They had a song entitled Cool Change...and one of the lines is:

Time for a cool change...
I know that it's time for a cool change....

I just returned from a 950-mile round trip to Sioux Falls, SD to show a couple dogs. It was a nice time; the weather was a gorgeous 65-70ish....and that's awesome. But...we had to set the clocks Daylight Savings Time ended.

I often think that we should just LEAVE the clocks alone.....either do Daylight Savings Time all year long, or be like parts of Michigan and Arizona that stay on Standard Time all year long. Perhaps as I age, the idea of the changing the clocks just creates havoc with my Circadian rhythms and I find it takes a good two weeks to adjust. I think it's manmade jet lag.....

Also, on the the topic of a cool we all know, it's time for political elections in many venues. The State of Wisconsin is embroiled in a gubernatorial election as well as some other hotly contested Congressional seats (House and Senate). When I arrived home tonight and turned on the boob tube (a/k/a mudslinging tube lately), I was VERY pleased to have seen that the state Republicans pulled out their "big" gun in former Governor and former Health & Human Services Secretary, Tommy Thompson, speaking positively in favor of Congressman Mark Green who is running for Governor.

Personally, I'm ready for a change. I hope that the rest of the State of Wisconsin is too. I have a personal reason why I'm do many of my fellow state employees who found their jobs cut by the current gov.

Time for a change? You betcha.


Blogger Million Dollar Mary said...

hey mud didn't tell me that you got the job...loser...

i found out through ruthie...

when were u going to tell me?

and, hey...stef is having over like 7 girls tonight for her bday...scott and jake are going to the cabin...wanna come over and just chill and watch chick flicks with them and have a sociable?

let me know...

love ya,

Friday, November 03, 2006 10:42:00 AM  
Blogger Ruth Anne Adams said...

When was I gonna' be given an invite?

Saturday, November 04, 2006 7:11:00 PM  

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