Six Degrees of Separation: Life in Rural Wisconsin
Yesterday, I was invited to the wedding of a young co-worker of mine. Samantha (Sam) and Andy were married in Waupun, WI.
I had a whirlwind couple days with the dogs. Originally, I was going to go to the West Bend Shows to show River, but decided I needed a break. Then I was going to run Drifter at a hunt test on Saturday and Sunday. But, the entries closed on Monday rather than the usual Wednesday, so that was out. Maddee, my friend Bethany's Gordon Setter, needed to be bred. Plan A dog, Blizzard, couldn't be used because of the severe flooding in Rushford/Winona, MN. So, the B team was called in and that was MacE. Mac is Amethyst's FIRST Master Hunter Gordon Setter as well as a champion, etc. He is owned by Ron and Gwen Pfeil of West Bend, WI.
So....Maddee needed to be bred @ 1:00 p.m. in Lomira. The wedding was at 3:00 p.m. in Waupun. It was a no-brainer to just take Maddee to the wedding. She could wait in the van until I was done, then I'd take her home. The reception was in Burnett, WI (which is where my ex-husband grew up).
When I got to the wedding, a woman said to me, " are you here?" When I looked up I saw that it was Mrs. Judy Rebholz. Mr. and Mrs. Rebholz are the parents of John Rebholz, a good friend of my brother, Paul. John's sister, Chris, is married to Andy (the groom's dad). The bride is a co-worker of mine at Central Wisconsin Center (Madison, WI). John and his wife were at the reception and I had a very nice visit with them. John said that he reads Paul's blogs regularly. I met John's wife and she was very nice to visit with. Mr. Rebholz came over and we had a brief chat which was quite pleasant.
I sat at the reception table with Brian and Kathy Virgin. I work with Brian and went to high school with Kathy's brother. Kathy told me that Mom is Nate's buddy from church. I'm not sure if it's a foster grandparent thing or what, but I thought that was interesting. I also saw the Andlers from Columbus, too.
It was a great time. Probably one of the first weddings I have been to since my divorce. It was a wonderful day. The BEAUTIFUL Wisconsin day was perfect for a wedding.

In preparation for the wedding, I cleaned off a compact flash card and came across some of my photos from Myrtle Beach, SC (last year). I sent Mary some photos that I thought she'd is one of my favorites.
I'm trying to decide whether or not to go back there this year, if even for a brief visit. This photo makes me want to.....time will tell.
I had a whirlwind couple days with the dogs. Originally, I was going to go to the West Bend Shows to show River, but decided I needed a break. Then I was going to run Drifter at a hunt test on Saturday and Sunday. But, the entries closed on Monday rather than the usual Wednesday, so that was out. Maddee, my friend Bethany's Gordon Setter, needed to be bred. Plan A dog, Blizzard, couldn't be used because of the severe flooding in Rushford/Winona, MN. So, the B team was called in and that was MacE. Mac is Amethyst's FIRST Master Hunter Gordon Setter as well as a champion, etc. He is owned by Ron and Gwen Pfeil of West Bend, WI.
So....Maddee needed to be bred @ 1:00 p.m. in Lomira. The wedding was at 3:00 p.m. in Waupun. It was a no-brainer to just take Maddee to the wedding. She could wait in the van until I was done, then I'd take her home. The reception was in Burnett, WI (which is where my ex-husband grew up).
When I got to the wedding, a woman said to me, " are you here?" When I looked up I saw that it was Mrs. Judy Rebholz. Mr. and Mrs. Rebholz are the parents of John Rebholz, a good friend of my brother, Paul. John's sister, Chris, is married to Andy (the groom's dad). The bride is a co-worker of mine at Central Wisconsin Center (Madison, WI). John and his wife were at the reception and I had a very nice visit with them. John said that he reads Paul's blogs regularly. I met John's wife and she was very nice to visit with. Mr. Rebholz came over and we had a brief chat which was quite pleasant.
I sat at the reception table with Brian and Kathy Virgin. I work with Brian and went to high school with Kathy's brother. Kathy told me that Mom is Nate's buddy from church. I'm not sure if it's a foster grandparent thing or what, but I thought that was interesting. I also saw the Andlers from Columbus, too.
It was a great time. Probably one of the first weddings I have been to since my divorce. It was a wonderful day. The BEAUTIFUL Wisconsin day was perfect for a wedding.
In preparation for the wedding, I cleaned off a compact flash card and came across some of my photos from Myrtle Beach, SC (last year). I sent Mary some photos that I thought she'd is one of my favorites.
I'm trying to decide whether or not to go back there this year, if even for a brief visit. This photo makes me want to.....time will tell.
Peggy, Glad to know you know the Virgins. I am Grandbuddy to their son who writes letters every once in a while. In May, they have a special Mass and reception for the Grandbuddies and we get to visit their classrooms. He is a nice, loveable young man.
What a small world!!!!
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