Sunday, December 16, 2007

Could this be it?

It's been a long time since I have posted. Work and the dogs have kept me occupied. I'll try to write more about those things in the next several days. I actually had a "date" last week. More on that later, too. Don't hold your breath. It was a bust.

Down the street from my office in Madison, someone is building a new home. The home is a manufactured home (similar to the Dickinson Homes, Inc. that I love). The company putting up this home is called Extreme Structures. It's a panelized type home and looks cool. Tall cathedral type walls that would look perfect with a stained glass window or two in it. I decided to look up the company online and was looking through their home designs and found this one.

I LOVE this home. It keeps the "uniqueness" of what I have's got the master bedroom and bath on the first floor. The two decks and a second story....for resale value. The only thing is that I may need to cut a little square footage out...but I am loving this place.

I have been thinking so much about building now. I know the economy sucks. I know that I will have to sell my land. I also know that it will cost a lot of money to do. But I'm really wanting to build and I need to get the plans in order now.

Could this be it?

Time will tell.


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