Merry Puppy Christmas Eve

It was 20 years ago today that my first Gordon Setter, Ch. Kilernan's Spice o' My Life (Spice) who was out of Chipper and Tulip whelped her second litter of puppies. She had 12 on December 24, 1988. Amazing how fast time has dog years that's a lot!! *lol*
Spice had 7 boys and 5 girls. Two of the boys in the litter, Kiggan and Dougal ended up being her only two champions. Kiggan lived to be 14 years of age. His family was tragically killed in a semi-truck/car accident on September 23, 1996 and he came back to live here with Greg and me. On April 14, 2003, we lost him. Every year on the anniversary of his family's death, I would take Kiggan to the cemetery with 4 milk bones and we'd place them on the marker for the family.
So, this day is a special day for me to remember Kiggan and his siblings. It's a very happy remembrance. I share a photo (this is ancient) of Kiggan and me. He is being shown at the GSCA National Specialty in Veterans' Sweepstakes class in 2000. He was about 11 and a half in this photo. To read more about Kiggan you can go to my memorial for him on my website.
I too have Gordons born on the December 24th. Fuego - Aust Ch Tahtan Firestorm was a Xmas Eve baby and this Xmas Eve turned 7. I can't remember how many Ann had in his litter, but there were bush fires around in NSW at the time and they were all set evacuate if need be. hence all the puppies were from a "fire" theme. Then Fuego & Portia's son Coal - Aust Ch Charnnah Over Hot Coals was born on Xmas Eve 2004. Portia had 16 puppies, 14 born live, and raised 11. Most went as pets, but two were shown and titled. From 3 litters Fuego has produced 7 Champions. Coal has as yet not been used at stud
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