Monday, March 16, 2009

Music o' the Marsh

I have lived out here for over 26 years now.

That's so amazing....a quarter of a century plus in the same OLD farmhouse. Despite the issues that I have with that OLD farmhouse, which needs some serious work and repair, and the fact that I need to sell some of my land to do that work, the location and natural beauty around me is just further evidence of the creation of earth by a higher power = God.

True to form, the music commenced just a few days ago.

They came in droves....the foreigners from Canada with their v-formations and's hard not to realize for those that pay attention, that another season of spring is on the horizon.

Then, the B-52 bombers as I call them, flew in.....they are the Sandhill Cranes. They have this amazing call, that sounds like a low, loud squawking that just signifies their return. Their mating calls and rituals are unique and not quiet.

The other day, Charlie Cardinal paid me a visit and he and his lovely lady, Clarise stopped by with their friendly, "pretty bird" sounds that greet me each and every morning. The beauty of the red color of Charlie against the drab, browns of winter's remnants is not hard to miss.

What is gone, almost 100% completely is the snow of winter...but what appears is the music o' the marsh and the true promise of springtime harmonies yet to be written, heard and viewed by me and others who look around.


Blogger AnneGero said...

With that command of the language, you should write a book, Peggy!!

Sunday, April 05, 2009 11:14:00 PM  

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