Friday, December 08, 2006

The Year of Last Things

The past couple weeks have been very exciting for me. I started a new job with the State of Wisconsin, that I thoroughly love!! So, that's 3 jobs in 2006. I think that's the most I've had during my 15-year tenure with the State of Wisconsin.

Last night, Mom called and invited me for dinner. I gladly accepted. For those of you that don't know me, I'm not really "Becky Home Ecky." So, she prepared chicken, baked potatoes and salad and veggies.

After dinner, she asked me to help her with her annual Christmas letter. She wanted to include some of the things from Dad's funeral. So last night, I typed up and formatted her Christmas letter and dropped it off on the way to work this morning. Tonight, I'm finishing up some of the attachments she wants to include.

Reading and re-living comments that my siblings and I made via our blogs made me sad because I realized that Dad will not be here for Christmas. I imagine how hard it will be for Mom, too.

Many years ago, when my ex-husband and I attended the Worldwide Church of God, one of the sermons one Sabbath, was entitled, "The Year of Last Things." Mr. Randy Stiver, who was the pastor at the time, was discussing how in any given year, it could be, "the year of last things." I think of this sermon often with regard to my life.

I have had a hectic couple of years since my divorce. But with the challenges and stresses of that life change, I realize that I also look forward to Years of New Things.....and then....I realize that all of this is just life.

Christmas is difficult as a single person. I still don't feel like "doing" Christmas. Perhaps some of that is because for 15 years of my married life, I did not celebrate Christmas or because Christmas is for couples and families. When I talk with my single girlfriends, they often concur with me on that. So, yes, I am part of a family, but it's not the same as if I had a partner to share Christmas with and doing all the fun things that this season entails.

So...the romantic in me goes to movies....and in the past few years, several movies have touched me. Love Actually (2003), Something's Gotta Give (2003), The Family Stone (2005) and today I saw, The Holiday with Kate Winslet, Jude Law, Jack Black and Cameron Diaz. What a great movie!! I encourage you all to see that....especially if you're an incurable romantic. the Year of Last dad won't be here to celebrate this holiday with his family, but in the Year of New Things....his grand-daughter Kate is now walking, his grand-daughter Annie is now with her prosthesis, grand-daughter, Mary Jo is racing around and growing up nicely, his grand-daughter, Stefanie is now driving (YIKES). Grandson Jake has become quite the football player and student and Zeke spells e-v-e-r-y-t-h-i-n-g, driving his mother crazy. And...for Mom...the year of new things....will be a computer tomorrow so she can blog....trips to either coast, a new roof and other things.

I guess...that when we lose a loved one, as I lost my dad, we all have a year of last things. For those of us that remain to continue our lives....we look forward to the days, weeks and months that turn into the year of new things and exciting adventures along that wonderful journey of life.