Lights, Camera, Action!'s been a VERY long time since I have blogged. I have many things to share with you and not sure where to start.
First off, it's the first official day of spring. Welcome to Snow Bound 3. A vast majority of the almost 100 inches of snow that this area of Wisconsin has received has now gone....until today. I look out and see nothing but snow everywhere. My mom had a great idea by jetting away from this place.
Work has been busy and tax season is upon me again., why can't it be June 15 rather than April 15. I guess that I would procrastinate putting off until June 1, what I knew on January 1 would have to be done. I took a few days off of work to supposedly do those taxes, but I ended up doing other things that had to get done: fix the car, take a dog to the vet, take several dogs to the vet for their annual heartworm testing, clean up the yard, do webpages for clients (paying jobs), fix my mom's friend's PC and the most fun of all was to participate in the City of Columbus, Wisconsin's huge claim to fame. And it's not redbud trees anymore!! It's Hollywood-Wisconsin style.
My Ripon College Class Agent letter was due back on March 1 and of course, I had writer's block. So, when I took time last Friday to walk around Columbus, some photos gave me inspiration to write that letter.

Here is an excerpt of what I wrote -
I’m not sure how many of you know this, but I am a HUGE movie fan. Since my divorce in 2004, I found that my “escape” was to go to movies. I’m not talking about one a week, sometimes, it’s two or three. My favorite time of the year is between Christmas and New Year’s when lots of the Academy Award movies start to show up in theatres. To those that really know me, I am a serious popcorn junkie. A movie gives me a venue to consume that yummy stuff.
On May 22, 2008, Ripon College’s own, Harrison Ford, will be back with another installment of the Raider’s of the Lost Ark series. Some of you may recall that he gave Ripon College a “plug” in the 3rd installment where he mentioned Dr. William Tyree as being a professor of philosophy, during a class that Indiana Jones (Harrison Ford) was teaching in the movie. Dr. Tyree actually acknowledged Mr. Ford’s “plug” in an issue of Newsweek or Time Magazine.
Imagine my surprise when my hometown of Columbus, Wisconsin was selected by Hollywood to be the backdrop for a Johnny Depp movie. The movie entitled, “Public Enemies” is by Michael Mann and is based upon his book about the life and times of John Dillinger and other notorious people of the 1930s. For more information on this movie please check out the Internet Movie Data Base.
As a history major and very interested in American history I was excited to hear that the Wisconsin Film Group has made it possible for Wisconsin to start offering locations for Hollywood to film. It gives communities great incentives.
Last Friday, I took time to walk around my downtown which has been abuzz with press, photographers, TV stations, and people walking around everywhere. Columbus is being converted into Greencastle, Indiana, circa 1930 when John Dillinger robbed a Greencastle, Indiana bank to the tune of $75,000. Press reports have said that if Mr. Dillinger had robbed the First National Bank in Columbus (in which the movie will be filmed), he would have netted over $2 million. I enjoyed taking photos of all the “little” things that attracted me. And…on the wall of the drug store was a sign that said Ripon. Naturally, that little incentive and little momento gave me the inspiration for writing this Class Agent letter. If anyone should be interested, I have over 400 photos that I have taken of the set and hope to get there today to look for Johnny Depp. I also stopped by the filming on Monday, March 17, 2008. I took many photos. One was used on NBC Channel 15's web site (scroll to bottom of page) and my sister, Mary, called me to tell me she saw me on ABC Channel 27. If you look at the video clip, I'm the one in the teal-colored jacket (w/blue), hood up and camera in hand. It's a nanosecond of fame.....but so cool!!
So, the next time you’re out at a movie, rest assured you know they cost so much because of all the little attention to detail things that producers and crews do to make it realistic.
It’s just amazing. And for the small town of Columbus, Wisconsin, it’s truly something fun, exciting, spectacular and definitely the most excitement to hit Columbus in the recent past.
I will post a few of my photos!! I have over 400 photos and I'd be happy to share...just let me know.

First off, it's the first official day of spring. Welcome to Snow Bound 3. A vast majority of the almost 100 inches of snow that this area of Wisconsin has received has now gone....until today. I look out and see nothing but snow everywhere. My mom had a great idea by jetting away from this place.
Work has been busy and tax season is upon me again., why can't it be June 15 rather than April 15. I guess that I would procrastinate putting off until June 1, what I knew on January 1 would have to be done. I took a few days off of work to supposedly do those taxes, but I ended up doing other things that had to get done: fix the car, take a dog to the vet, take several dogs to the vet for their annual heartworm testing, clean up the yard, do webpages for clients (paying jobs), fix my mom's friend's PC and the most fun of all was to participate in the City of Columbus, Wisconsin's huge claim to fame. And it's not redbud trees anymore!! It's Hollywood-Wisconsin style.
My Ripon College Class Agent letter was due back on March 1 and of course, I had writer's block. So, when I took time last Friday to walk around Columbus, some photos gave me inspiration to write that letter.
Here is an excerpt of what I wrote -
I’m not sure how many of you know this, but I am a HUGE movie fan. Since my divorce in 2004, I found that my “escape” was to go to movies. I’m not talking about one a week, sometimes, it’s two or three. My favorite time of the year is between Christmas and New Year’s when lots of the Academy Award movies start to show up in theatres. To those that really know me, I am a serious popcorn junkie. A movie gives me a venue to consume that yummy stuff.
On May 22, 2008, Ripon College’s own, Harrison Ford, will be back with another installment of the Raider’s of the Lost Ark series. Some of you may recall that he gave Ripon College a “plug” in the 3rd installment where he mentioned Dr. William Tyree as being a professor of philosophy, during a class that Indiana Jones (Harrison Ford) was teaching in the movie. Dr. Tyree actually acknowledged Mr. Ford’s “plug” in an issue of Newsweek or Time Magazine.
Imagine my surprise when my hometown of Columbus, Wisconsin was selected by Hollywood to be the backdrop for a Johnny Depp movie. The movie entitled, “Public Enemies” is by Michael Mann and is based upon his book about the life and times of John Dillinger and other notorious people of the 1930s. For more information on this movie please check out the Internet Movie Data Base.
As a history major and very interested in American history I was excited to hear that the Wisconsin Film Group has made it possible for Wisconsin to start offering locations for Hollywood to film. It gives communities great incentives.
Last Friday, I took time to walk around my downtown which has been abuzz with press, photographers, TV stations, and people walking around everywhere. Columbus is being converted into Greencastle, Indiana, circa 1930 when John Dillinger robbed a Greencastle, Indiana bank to the tune of $75,000. Press reports have said that if Mr. Dillinger had robbed the First National Bank in Columbus (in which the movie will be filmed), he would have netted over $2 million. I enjoyed taking photos of all the “little” things that attracted me. And…on the wall of the drug store was a sign that said Ripon. Naturally, that little incentive and little momento gave me the inspiration for writing this Class Agent letter. If anyone should be interested, I have over 400 photos that I have taken of the set and hope to get there today to look for Johnny Depp. I also stopped by the filming on Monday, March 17, 2008. I took many photos. One was used on NBC Channel 15's web site (scroll to bottom of page) and my sister, Mary, called me to tell me she saw me on ABC Channel 27. If you look at the video clip, I'm the one in the teal-colored jacket (w/blue), hood up and camera in hand. It's a nanosecond of fame.....but so cool!!
So, the next time you’re out at a movie, rest assured you know they cost so much because of all the little attention to detail things that producers and crews do to make it realistic.
It’s just amazing. And for the small town of Columbus, Wisconsin, it’s truly something fun, exciting, spectacular and definitely the most excitement to hit Columbus in the recent past.
I will post a few of my photos!! I have over 400 photos and I'd be happy to share...just let me know.